Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Where We Stand

It's been a very busy month. We finally nailed down the final cut, got the posters ordered, and received some promising news. The programmers from the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival have selected Wiener Takes All and 19 other films as finalists for the Rockefeller Plaza Film Series, to be held in June. They will pick 4 films from the 20, so we're by no means assuming we're in, but we're happy just to have received the nod from the programmers.

We're busy culling video from the outtakes to put up on our Veoh channel, and hope to have several clips up by this weekend.

Gotta head back to the edit suite. TTYL!



Cindy said...

Is there any word yet on a release date or film festival where we may be able to view the film? I am looking forward to seeing it.

Wiener Takes All: A Dogumentary said...

We're unspooling at the Atlantic Film Fest in Halifax and the San Francisco Documentary Fest in September. In October we're playing at BendFilm in Oregon...

Keep tuned to the blog for more updates.
